The world’s best hypnotherapist

Andre Zen is a world-renowned hypnotherapist who has spent over 20 years exploring the power of the mind and pushing the boundaries of possibility. What sets him apart from other hypnotherapists is that he is also a highly trained Master of Alchemy, specialising in three states of transformation; Physical, Mental & Emotional. Hypnosis is one of the power tools Andre Zen uses in his practice to create powerful and lasting changes in the hearts and minds of his clients.

Andre goes beyond inspiring his clients with passionate speeches. He uses ancient alchemy and modern hypnotic techniques to rewire their minds and bodies, leading them to achieve monumental levels of creativity, success and above all, fulfilment! He collaborates with clients to unleash the potential from the deepest depths of their subconscious minds. Andre has even cured allergies with his unique hypnosis which he calls ‘Remapping Hypnotherapy’. Reading all the glowing reviews about Andre Zen’s Hypnotherapy is a testament to the power of his methods and his creative mind.

“Unleashing the power of the human mind is the key to the future of all great achievements. Anyone who is hungry to go beyond their limits is going to benefit from working with me in my lab.”

Andre Zen

The benefits of common hypnosis are numerous and well proven, some of these include;

  • Reducing anxiety and stress
  • Breaking bad habits
  • Build Confidence
  • Improving sleep
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Dealing with emotional trauma

Andre Zen’s Super-Human Hypnotherapy takes hypnosis to a whole new level. He claims that mainstream hypnotherapists are a far cry from what he does in his Hypnotherapy Labs with his clients. Andre believes that the subconscious mind is responsible for the condition and functions of the physical body. He believes that aging is a mental disease that can be overcome through the proper re-wiring of the mind. Considering Andre is in his 40s and has 4 children, seeing him in person you would assume he is around 25.

Despite it’s positive implications, the dangers of hypnosis are very real warns Andre Zen in his latest article on the power of hypnotherapy. In the wrong hands, hypnosis can trigger psychotic episodes and hallucinations! It is important to seek out a trained professional with a proven track record. Even free guided meditations found on popular social media sites such as YouTube can have adverse affects on the well-being of your subconscious mind. A professionally trained and experienced hypnotherapist has to do a thorough assessment to determine suitability and any negative mental health implications prior to the actual induction of hypnosis. The assessment also give the hypnotherapist deep insights into how your subconscious mind has been programmed, so they can create a tailored session that works with your particular mindset. I personally won’t be using anymore free guided meditations without checking in with Andre Zen first!

“Mainstream hypnotherapy can be effective in dealing with common problems such as phobias and addictions. I take this several steps further, by focusing on total transformation of the deeper mind. If you are an introvert, you can be totally transformed into an extrovert! If you have health conditions, I will transform that into supreme health! Whatever you are, you can become the total opposite just as I did. I want to see how far I can push human potential. So far, I’ve yet to see what the limit is. I believe human beings have the potential to become Super-human and even God-like in all our activities.”

Andre Zen

What makes Andre the best hypnotherapist in the world is his unique approach, combining hypnosis with his mastery of alchemy and transformation. His practice is a world-class example of the potential that hypnotherapy can bring to the world. Currently, there is a growing waiting list of those seeking total transformation. Andre Zen states on his website that it can only take 6 weeks to transform totally. Being the best and most sought after in the business comes with a price tag. To work with Andre Zen to completely rewire your mind and body for health, wealth and renewed youth starts from around £5,000.

You can contact Andre Zen via his website https://TheZen.One/

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